Windows | 2002-2008…

Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum

April 19-May 3, 2002


Project: MSFAU Research Assistants

Constanta Art Museum

May 10-30, 2002


Project: MSFAU Research Assistants

Tunnel Festival

May 27-June 1, 2003

Project: Ludwig Lehner

Sarnıç Gallery

Interference To Space

November 24-December 6, 2008

Solo Exhibition


Windows, Site-specific installation, 2002, Istanbul Painting and Scuplture Museum, Black and white photo print on paper, 230×150 cm, Photograph by Çetin Ergand.



Windows, Site-specific installation, 2002, Istanbul Painting and Scuplture Museum, Black and white photo print on paper, 230×150 cm, Photograph by Çetin Ergand.



Windows, Site-specific installation, 2002, Constanta Art Museum, Black and white photo print on paper, 400×150 cm.



Windows, Site-specific installation, 2003, Tunnel Festival, Black and white photo prints on paper, 400×150 cm, 230×150 cm.





Windows, Site-specific installation, 2008, Sarnıç Gallery, Black and white print prints on paper, 400×150, 220×130, 230×150 cm, Photograph by Çetin Ergand.




Windows, Site-specific installation, 2008, Sarnıç Gallery, Black and white photo prints on paper, 400×150 220×130 cm.



Windows, Site-specific installation, 2008, Sarnıç Gallery, Black and white photo prints on paper, 230×150, 400×150 cm.




Windows, Site-specific installation, 2008, Sarnıç Gallery, Black and white photo prints on paper, 230×150 cm.




Windows, Sketch for Akbank Sanat, 2004, Mixed media on paper, 23,5×32 cm.


“Windows” work originally created for a traveling exhibition “Monologue” consisted of window images in the real size dimensions of the Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum, Constanta Art Museum, Tunnel Festival and Sarnıç Gallery where they are exhibited since 2002. These windows were placed in a specific way, each time in front of the real windows primarily. “Windows” is an art work that continues to form itself. With the new windows to be added to the work, it is aimed to establish different dialogues between spaces every time .