Interference to Space | 2008

MSGSU Tophane-i Âmire Sarnıç Gallery

November 24-December 6


1st. Saloon: Exhibition view of Interference to Space, November 24-December 6, 2008, Panoramic photograph by Çetin Ergand


1st. Saloon: Exhibition view of Interference to Space, November 24-December 6, 2008.


2nd. Saloon: Windows, 2008, Black and white print on paper, 400 x 150 cm.


2nd. Saloon: Windows, 2008, Black and white print on paper, 400 x 150 cm, 200 x 130 cm, 230 x 150 cm (from left to right), Panoramic photograph by Çetin Ergand


2nd. Saloon: Windows, 2008, Black and white print on paper, 400 x 150 cm, 200 x 130 cm.


2nd Saloon: Windows, 2008, Black and white print on paper, 230 x 150 cm, 400 x 150 cm.


2nd. Saloon: Windows, 2008, Black and white print on paper, 230 x 150 cm.


3rd. Saloon: Form in Space, 2008, White elastic band, black light bulbs.


3rd. Saloon: Form in Space, 2008, White elastic band, black light bulbs.


3rd. Saloon: Form in Space, 2008, White elastic band, black light bulbs.


3rd. Saloon: Form in Space, 2008, White elastic band, black light bulbs.


3rd. Saloon: Form in Space, 2008, White elastic band, black light bulbs.


4th. Saloon: Upside Down Pyramid, 2008, White elastic band, black light bulbs and hook.


4th. Saloon: Upside Down Pyramid, 2008, White elastic band, black light bulbs and hook.




November 24-December 6

Press Release


The first solo exhibition of Lebriz Rona consisting of site-specific works, “Intervention to the Space” takes place on 24 November-6 December 2008 at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Tophane-i Âmire Culture and Art Center, Sarnıç Gallery.

While Rona questions the perception of space, which is used by simple interventions that are not permanent; the real place and intervention are intertwined in her works. Nevertheless, the place where she intervened is not destroyed. But, the intervention itself can prevent real space perception. This situation is the basis of her site-specific works that are in contact with the place where it is located.

The “Intervention to Space” exhibition welcomes the viewer in the Entrance Hall with the photographs of the site-specific works of Rona, which she performed at different times and named the exhibition. In the other three halls, there are installations specific to the Sarnıç Gallery.

“Windows” work originally created for a traveling exhibition; consists of window images in the real size dimensions of the Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum, Constanta Art Museum and Tunnel Festival where they are exhibited since 2002. These windows are placed in a specific way, each time in front of the real windows primarily. With the Sarnıç Gallery and every new window image to be added from the next place, Rona starts a new dialogue between spaces.

The works watched in the dark that she prepared for the Sarnıç Gallery; Lebriz Rona interferes to the ambient light of the venue. Rona decides to exhibit her work in the dark with the help of black light bulbs instead of existing exhibition spots, as the space is almost windowless and low in light. Rona decides to exhibit her works in the dark with black light bulbs instead of existing exhibition spots, as the space is almost windowless and low in light. Works can be perceived vaguely in the dark. The viewer, who first finds her/himself in an undefined large geometry that surrounds her/him, then encounters a large pyramid that stands upside down in the space on it’s top when she/he passes the other hall. With the document photos in the Entrance Hall, the “Windows” placed in the space and the works in the dark; the “Intervention to Space” exhibition invites the viewer to discover Rona’s work practice.