Artist Notebook | 2014

Apartment Project, Berlin

November 27- December 11, 2014

DEPO, Istanbul

May 13-June 7, 2015

Weserburg Museum, Bremen

July 25-October 10, 2015

De Kijkdoos Project Space, Amsterdam

January 16-February 12, 2016

MOM Art Space, Hamburg

April 29-May 8, 2016

21er Haus, Viyana

October 26, 2016-January 8, 2017

Stay With Me

Project: Selda Asal


Artist Notebook, 2014, Ink on paper, cut out and model cardboard, 1.7 x 15.2 x 20.1 cm.



Artist Notebook, Detail, 2014, Ink on paper, cut out and model cardboard, 14.6 x 355 cm.



Artist Notebook, Detail, 2014, Ink on paper and cut out, 14.6 x 355 cm.



Artist Notebook, Detail, 2014, Ink on paper, cut out and model cardboard, 14.6 x 355 cm.



Artist Notebook, Detail, 2014, Ink on paper, cut out and model cardboard, 14.6 x 355 cm.



Artist Notebook, 2014, Ink on paper, cut out and model cardboard, 1.7 x 15.2 x 355 cm cm.



Exhibition view of Stay With Me, May 13-June 7, 2015, DEPO Istanbul, Photograph by Alpin Arda Bağcık



Exhibition view of Stay With Me, November 27-December 11, 2014, Apartment Project Berlin, Photograph by Apartment Project Berlin


The work is a folded artist notebook consisting of two different surfaces. Both side has 36 different pages. When the notebook is fully opened, a panoramic picture occurs. The work was prepared for Stay With Me Project which was exhibited in Apartment Project Berlin, DEPO Istanbul, Werseburg Museum Bremen, De Kijkdoos Project Space Amsterdam, MOM Art Space Hamburg and 21er Haus Vienna. Stay With Me Project is composed of notebooks that indicate limitless fear, insecurity, existence in obscurity as well as hope, reality, future and the “moment”, by 84 participants.