Artist Portfolio | 2004

Akbank Sanat

June 24-July 30

The 23rd International Contemporary Artists Istanbul Exhibition

Jury / Curators: Anton Lederer, Başak Şenova, Eyal Danon.


Artist Portfolio, Drawings, writings and thoughts, 2004 Akbank Art, 3.5 x 26.5 x 31 cm.





Artist Portfolio, Exhibition view of the 23rd International Contemporary Artists Istanbul Exhibition, 2004, Akbank Art.





Artist Portfolio, Exhibition view of the 23rd International Contemporary Artists Istanbul Exhibition, 2004, Akbank Art.












Lebriz Rona




A photo at your request, but the image is deceiving. Nobody is like the one in the photo. Because it is related to the conditions of that moment. Maybe I’m more serious, maybe cynical. But, no one can decide this, except me. Only, I can know myself.

Being a megalomaniac … don’t get me wrong. I mean: The important thing is not to be told by someone who you are, but to know who you are.

Resume, why? What does it matter?

Both the idea of linear history is opposed and a resume is requested. What a contradictory situation. What I did, where did I graduate from, which exhibitions I attended, at what intervals I produced works … these are just a cover. Nothing else. You know this, too. I will not use words such as quality, quantity, etc. That’s my word: Cover.

What I do and what kind of thinking system I developed myself, here you have everything.

My Works are the best things giving idea about me.

In my opinion, you don’t need anything else.

This is not drawing attention. It is a way to express myself. It is a good way you want, but I prefer my own way. Because I think that, this is more about me.

Let’s say expanding the means of communication, if you want: To be able to interact.


Artist Portfolio, 1st Page: Bio, 2004, Akbank Sanat,  3.5 x 26.5 x 31 cm.