Space | 2001

Osman Hamdi Bey Exhibition Hall


Collage on photograph with white paper 15 x 10 cm.




Collage for Space, 2000, Pen, pencil, transparent paper and tape, 10.5 x 10.5 cm.




Drawing for Space, 2000, Pencil on paper.




Drawing for Space, 2000, Pencil on paper.




Space, Site-specific installation, 2001, Osman Hamdi Bey Exhibition Hall, White tape.


Using white tape to combine the two points between the light constructions and panels within the space created a triangle form that expanded throughout the space by means of mutually established relations. This simple illogical addition to space itself is the form unfolded by the condition concluded with the existing data. In this context, it is any of the connections between the points in the space given and has infinite number of possibilities. There is no data about space memory. Within a mental approach, there is only a thought of reaching to a conclusion from the moment of observation. Perceived the space in a different way, an invisible hidden space was revealed within the same space.