Temporary Space | 2009

Apartment Project Istanbul

March 2-April 11


Opening performance video of Temporary Space, 2009, Camera by Reyhan Ekşi, Edit by Selin Yağmur Sönmez.


Performance view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2 – April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009, Photography by Reyhan Ekşi.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009.


Installation view of Temporary Space , March 2-April 11, 2009.


Two pieces of phosphor elastic band, three hooks and four black light bulbs .

“Temporary Space” was a continuously changing installation instead of a static form installed in space. At the opening time, two different length of elastic bands were stretched with hooks in the space. In this performance, accompanied by music and body movements, many spatial works were performed at the moment in front of the viewers. During the exhibition, it was continued to create different spatial works with the viewer. Thus, the installation was transformed with various moves within the possible conditions of the space.